Arabic & Muslim Women

Having travelled extensively around the Middle east, then recently having lived in South Sinai, Egypt, Mary gained first-hand experience of the life and ways of Bedouin and Egyptian women. Being half Egyptian herself, Mary was no stranger to having a good old yarn; which allowed for that easy, natural connection to be forged, which deepened quickly being able to speak their language.

She believes that ultimately there's more in common that bonds rather than separates us. Salat, (prayers) like yoga are performed consciously and deliberately and share some postures that are strikingly similar. While the conscious act of praying 5 times daily is mindfulness in and of itself. So from Mary's
perspective Muslim women do practice Yoga anyway, just have a different name for it.
Mary is available to teach yoga to Arabic and Muslim Women either in English or Arabic, private or group sessions.

Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.
— The Bhagavad Gita